TC4S:\Trading Books\_New 04\Astrology Books\Astro East Greek Chinese B.C. etc\Jewish_Hebrew_kabbala
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The Zodiac in Ancient Jewish Synagogal Art- A Review Rachel Hachlili.pdf
1,383 KB
9/2/2018 4:49 AM
The Jewish zodiac and the 12 tribes of Israel.pdf
51 KB
2/1/2018 3:11 PM
The Jewish Tradition of Astrology_Jonathon Clark.pdf
26 KB
3/28/2016 5:16 PM
Book_Matityahu Glazerson_Above the Zodiac_ Jewish astrology.pdf
1,956 KB
4/25/2015 8:20 PM
Book_2008_Sasson Gahl_Cosmic navigator_Design Your Destiny with Astrology and Kabbalah.pdf
8,292 KB
7/9/2018 1:16 AM
Book_2005_Dov Schwartz_Astral Magic in Medieval Jewish Thought.pdf
815 KB
1/27/2014 4:07 PM
Book_1792_Astrology_The wisdom of Salomon.pdf
3,975 KB
7/29/2018 3:23 AM
Book_1634_French_Salomon_abrégé de l'Astrologie des anciens Rabins_must read.pdf
972 KB
6/23/2016 11:12 PM
Astrology in Hebrew Texts Before and After Islam_MARLA SEGOL.pdf
160 KB
4/22/2018 4:17 AM
A Jewish zodiac calendar at Qumran_Helen R. Jacobus.pdf
158 KB
3/24/2016 1:54 AM
Ibn Ezra_jewish astrologer_1089–1167_translated 2 of Mashallah's astrological treatises
2/12/2022 3:05 AM