TC4S:\Trading Books\_New 04\Astrology Books\12 houses 12 signs elements\Houses topics\8th Ayur health medical death\medical documents\medical presentations

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NameSizeDate Modified
Presentation_Ramesey’s Rules on Purging.pdf59 KB7/25/2016 12:37 AM
Presentation_Medical.pdf326 KB8/16/2016 8:14 PM
Presentation_Glossary of Old Medical Terminology & their modern Equivalents.pdf51 KB7/25/2016 12:37 AM
Presentation_Gadbury%3a Natal Rules for Health and Sickness.pdf33 KB7/25/2016 12:37 AM
Presentation_Encyclopedia Entries on Medical Astrology.pdf127 KB7/25/2016 12:37 AM