TC4S:\Trading Books\_New 04\Astrology Books\1-made results\Signs results by degrees also
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360 degrees + Sabian oracles
9/20/2023 5:14 AM
Astrological Degrees and Fixed Stars.pdf
101 KB
6/18/2017 9:55 AM
Book 1892 Wolf George S Heavenly planets and the future revealed.pdf
287 KB
5/4/2015 2:24 AM
Book 1892 George S. Wolf Heavenly planets and the future revealed.pdf
335 KB
7/29/2018 6:09 PM
Book 1894 Eleanor Kirk Influence of the Zodiac Upon Human Life.pdf
557 KB
6/25/2018 12:04 AM
Book 1900 Weber A study of the heavens by aid of the Hymalaya wonder wheel.pdf
1,451 KB
8/12/2017 6:36 PM
Book 1902 Webber Astrology in a Nutshell.pdf
8,962 KB
12/3/2015 12:15 AM
Book 1904 Your future the zodiac's guide to success in life Lela Omar.pdf
636 KB
8/22/2017 1:21 AM
Book 1908 J.R. Phelps Our astrological birthday book character readings.pdf
2,168 KB
8/11/2017 4:40 PM
Book 1962 Zolar Its all in the stars a treatise on astrology Sun at birth in signs-decanates and degrees-days.pdf
3,095 KB
7/29/2018 10:56 PM
Book 1971 Lloyd Cope Your stars are numbered & numerology.pdf
5,617 KB
7/4/2018 12:06 AM
Book 1976 American AstroAnalysts Institute AstroAnalysis only for Aries birth MARCH 21 -APRIL 20.pdf
8,875 KB
7/6/2018 9:32 PM
Book 1979 Carolyn R. Dodson Rising signs.pdf
1,386 KB
7/25/2018 2:20 AM
Book 1982 Teri KIng Your child and the zodiac.pdf
4,390 KB
7/7/2018 8:16 PM
Book 1983 Zodiac press Astrology - your guide to the stars.pdf
2,503 KB
7/12/2018 9:09 PM
D30 Trimsamsha zodiacal degrees alias
2 KB
9/20/2018 6:39 PM