TC4S:\More Trading Courses\@SOFTWARE\_Metastock\_Knowledge\MetaStock Training Course. Discovering the Power of Metastock (\Xtras

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NameSizeDate Modified
TIFF Import Export.x32209 KB2/23/2000 4:15 PM
TextXtra.x32396 KB2/23/2000 6:07 PM
Text Asset.x3276 KB2/23/2000 6:08 PM
SWAStrm.x3260 KB2/23/2000 6:11 PM
SWADCmpr.x3272 KB2/23/2000 6:10 PM
Sound Import Export.x3288 KB2/23/2000 6:18 PM
Sound Control.x3256 KB2/23/2000 6:10 PM
QT3Asset.x32136 KB2/23/2000 6:16 PM
NetLingo.x3252 KB2/23/2000 6:15 PM
NetFile.x3260 KB2/23/2000 6:15 PM
Mix Services.x3296 KB2/23/2000 6:17 PM
MacroMix.x3256 KB2/23/2000 6:16 PM
JPEG Agent.x3224 KB2/23/2000 6:17 PM
INetURL.x3252 KB2/23/2000 6:15 PM
GIF Agent.x3224 KB2/23/2000 6:16 PM
Font Xtra.x32280 KB2/23/2000 6:09 PM
Font Asset.x3280 KB2/23/2000 6:10 PM
Flash Asset.x32376 KB2/23/2000 6:14 PM
DirectSound.x3232 KB2/23/2000 6:16 PM