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NameSizeDate Modified
00Kook Peak-Trough System 1.0.afl1 KB1/13/2006 1:56 AM
AFBI Channel System.afl1 KB1/11/2006 2:29 PM
Automatic Fib Levels.afl3 KB1/11/2006 2:15 PM
BoonC Peak 'n Trough V 1.1.afl4 KB1/11/2006 2:07 PM
Chaloke Coppock.afl1 KB1/11/2006 1:52 PM
Chaloke Dynamic RSI.afl1 KB1/11/2006 1:51 PM
Chaloke Modified ATR Trailing Stop.afl1 KB1/11/2006 2:09 PM
Chaloke RSI.afl1 KB1/11/2006 2:14 PM
Chaloke RTS System.afl1 KB1/11/2006 2:10 PM
Chaloke Simple Trailing Stop.afl1 KB1/11/2006 1:55 PM
Chaloke Smooth CCI.afl1 KB1/11/2006 1:53 PM
Chaloke Stochastic.afl1 KB1/11/2006 2:09 PM
Chaloke System 2 (1st edition).afl1 KB1/11/2006 1:48 PM
Chaloke System2 (2nd edition).afl2 KB1/11/2006 1:49 PM
Chaloke System3 with ATR Trailing Stop.afl2 KB1/11/2006 1:59 PM
Chaloke System3.afl1 KB1/11/2006 1:50 PM 7th Stage of the Heaven System Version 1.2.afl17 KB1/11/2006 1:43 PM Peak-Trough System + Auto ATR + Position sizing+Varible Sensitivity.afl4 KB1/11/2006 2:06 PM Peak-Trough System 1.0.afl1 KB1/11/2006 2:03 PM
Cup and Handle exploration.afl4 KB1/11/2006 2:04 PM
RSI with AUTO SEC Version 1.2.afl4 KB1/11/2006 2:08 PM
Weekly Price Graph.afl1 KB1/11/2006 2:17 PM