TC4S:\2023_CSMD\_Systems & Indicators\Tsunami Trader Complete Set of Indicators 2008 (\Videos

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NameSizeDate Modified
Videos.txt1 KB10/14/2008 2:01 AM
Tsunami Day Trading or Swing Trading System Overview.avi18,285 KB10/14/2008 2:06 AM
Make your daily goal and enjoy life! Live Day Trading!.avi32,451 KB10/14/2008 2:09 AM
Daytrading Forex 100% mechanically with VOLUME achieved!.avi12,193 KB10/14/2008 2:06 AM
Day Trading The Russell 2000 +22 pts in one morning!.avi8,767 KB10/14/2008 2:09 AM
Day Trading the Mighty DAX.avi19,062 KB10/14/2008 2:10 AM
Day trading the DAX, Emini ES and Russell Live Day Trading!.avi28,265 KB10/14/2008 2:09 AM
Day trading or Swing Trading Any Market Any Timeframe.avi25,099 KB10/14/2008 2:10 AM
Complete Trading Solution! ES and Russell Live Day Trading!.avi23,176 KB10/14/2008 2:08 AM
4 Minutes to Goal....and Golf - Live Day Trading.avi34,012 KB10/14/2008 2:08 AM