TC4S:\2023_CSMD\_Systems & Indicators\Tsunami Trader Complete Set of Indicators 2008 (\Video

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NameSizeDate Modified
4 Minutes to Goal....and Golf - Live Day Trading.avi51,399 KB5/16/2009 2:24 AM
AAPL and E mini S and P Performance.avi38,041 KB5/16/2009 2:50 AM
Day trading or Swing Trading Any Market Any Timeframe.avi43,585 KB5/16/2009 1:33 AM
Day trading the DAX, Emini ES and Russell Live Day Trading!.avi40,938 KB5/16/2009 1:59 AM
Day Trading The Russell 2000 +22 pts in one morning!.avi38,373 KB5/16/2009 1:52 AM
Daytrading Forex 100_ mechanically with &quot_VOLUME&quot_ achieved!.avi20,626 KB5/16/2009 1:46 AM
FOREX CONQUERED! (Forex, DAX, ES and ER Live Trade Recap).avi40,810 KB5/16/2009 2:06 AM
Introducing TsuBot- Your Automated Trading Assistant!.avi27,107 KB5/16/2009 2:43 AM
Make your daily goal and enjoy life! Live Day Trading!.avi47,990 KB5/16/2009 1:42 AM
Making_34_ES_points_day_trading__in_one_hour_.AVI14,654 KB5/14/2009 8:13 PM
SOURCE.TXT1 KB5/16/2009 3:44 AM
Swing Trading The Wonderful British Pound Forex Markets.avi32,551 KB5/16/2009 1:18 AM
Trade the Currencies with Tsunami!.avi31,001 KB5/16/2009 2:31 AM
TsuBot - Your Trading Assistant Conquers the Forex.avi27,628 KB5/16/2009 2:57 AM
TsuBot 8 months GBPUSD and Money Management Performance Results.avi36,897 KB5/16/2009 3:17 AM
TsuBot daytrades the DAX gaining $7000 in one day!.avi9,041 KB5/16/2009 2:37 AM
TsuBot-Trades the EuroUSD.avi18,181 KB5/16/2009 2:35 AM
TsuBot-Your Trading Assistant Rocks the Russell!!.avi28,980 KB5/16/2009 3:04 AM
Tsunami_Day_Trading_or_Swing_Trading_System_Overview.AVI13,951 KB5/14/2009 8:48 PM