TC4S:\2022_3\The Swag Academy - The FOREX Blueprint\4. FOREX Blueprint\7. Psychology (VERY IMPORTANT) |
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Videos Course Description | | 3/25/2022 11:42 PM |
1. Being Robotic While Trading.mp4 | 57,673 KB | 3/13/2021 4:19 PM |
2. How Long To Hold a Trade.mp4 | 14,453 KB | 3/13/2021 4:19 PM |
3. Working a 9-5 While Trading.mp4 | 52,015 KB | 3/13/2021 4:19 PM |
4. Having Black Charts While Trading.mp4 | 23,743 KB | 3/13/2021 4:19 PM |
5. Dealing With Drawdown.mp4 | 39,731 KB | 3/13/2021 4:19 PM |
6. Understanding One Pair (Psychology).mp4 | 37,514 KB | 3/13/2021 4:19 PM |
7. Understanding One Pair (Charts).mp4 | 22,525 KB | 3/13/2021 4:19 PM |
8. Understanding Market Open (GAPS).mp4 | 83,585 KB | 3/13/2021 4:19 PM |