TC4S:\2022_3\Simple Strategy For Swing\Simple-Strategy-for-Swing\blackhatx\Simple-Strategy-for-Swing-Trading-the-Stock-Market\1 - My Swing Trading Strategy featuring the CCI

Up one directory...
NameSizeDate Modified
1 - Introduction.mp4174,191 KB3/30/2018 1:49 PM
2 - How to setup your charts to look exactly like the ones in these videos.mp450,110 KB5/31/2018 5:09 AM
3 - Components of the CCI.mp465,715 KB5/30/2018 2:27 PM
4 - The Primary Buy Signal.mp4426,610 KB5/30/2018 11:52 PM
5 - Where to exit a trade with a False Primary Buy Signal.mp486,639 KB5/30/2018 3:36 PM
6 - The Uptrend Buy Signal.mp487,588 KB5/30/2018 3:33 PM
7 - The Primary Sell Signal.mp4320,650 KB5/30/2018 3:37 PM
8 - Bullish and Bearish Divergences.mp4122,116 KB5/30/2018 3:32 PM