TC4S:\2021_HN-TH\Price Action Trading - Teachable\1 - Understanding The Foundations Of Price Action
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Date Modified
6. An overview of price action patterns.mp4
43,240 KB
4/16/2019 9:04 AM
5. The shift and imbalance of supply and demand.mp4
32,737 KB
4/16/2019 9:02 AM
4. Understanding why price moves.mp4
32,331 KB
4/16/2019 9:02 AM
3. The importance of Risk v Reward and Probability.mp4
17,135 KB
4/16/2019 9:02 AM
2. How and why price action works.mp4
62,322 KB
4/16/2019 9:02 AM
1. An introduction to price action trading.mp4
53,172 KB
4/16/2019 9:02 AM