TC4S:\2021_HN-TH\Axia Futures - The Footprint Course\Trading with Price Ladder and Order Flow Strategies\Module 06 - Auctioning Exchange and Market Velocity

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NameSizeDate Modified
Module 6 –8.mp430,828 KB9/20/2018 8:10 PM
Module 6 –8 Exercises.avi71,912 KB9/20/2018 8:10 PM
Module 6 –7 Market Velocity Matrix.avi132,601 KB9/20/2018 8:11 PM
Module 6 –6 How Market Velocity can help Structure your Trade.avi201,267 KB9/20/2018 8:11 PM
Module 6 –5 The Importance of Market Velocity.avi109,362 KB9/20/2018 8:12 PM
Module 6 –4 What is Market Velocity(cont).avi89,999 KB9/20/2018 8:12 PM
Module 6 –4 Market Velocity.mp4110,009 KB9/20/2018 8:12 PM
Module 6 –3 What is Market Velocity.avi327,116 KB9/20/2018 8:13 PM
Module 6 –3 Market Velocity.mp4109,901 KB9/20/2018 8:10 PM
Module 6 –3 2.mp42,357 KB9/20/2018 8:10 PM
Module 6 –2 Table of Contents.avi23,059 KB9/20/2018 8:13 PM
Module 6 –1 Auctioning Exchange and Market Velocity.avi13,031 KB9/20/2018 8:13 PM