TC4S:\2019\Jeff Fitzpatrick - Forex Trading\02 Setting up to trade forex
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Date Modified
006 Types of forex trading, practical trading and bid ask prices.mp4
60,595 KB
4/30/2016 2:41 PM
005 A first look at indicators.mp4
43,478 KB
4/30/2016 2:41 PM
004 Currency pairs and trend lines..mp4
31,721 KB
4/30/2016 2:41 PM
003 The trading screen and candlestick charts.mp4
60,712 KB
5/2/2016 5:57 PM
002 Setup and understand your trading screen.mp4
34,796 KB
5/2/2016 5:23 PM
001 Setup and understand your simulated demo trading account like a pro.mp4
13,231 KB
5/2/2016 4:43 PM