TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\01b - AD\1\Axia Futures - Trading with Price Ladder and Order Flow Strategies, $1200, (\Module 04 - What The Ladders Tell You That The Charts Don't

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NameSizeDate Modified
Module 4-1.avi2,637 KB11/27/2019 4:13 AM
Module 4-2 Table of Contents.avi18,229 KB11/27/2019 4:36 AM
Module 4-3 What the Chart don't show.avi314,457 KB11/27/2019 4:35 AM
Module 4-4 The Major Benefit of Price Ladder info Gathering and Execution.avi207,129 KB11/27/2019 4:34 AM
Module 4-4.mp42,276 KB11/26/2019 2:18 PM
Module 4-5 The Major Benefit of Price Ladder info Gathering and Execution.avi213,723 KB11/27/2019 4:32 AM
Module 4-5.mp42,276 KB11/26/2019 4:51 PM
Module 4-6 Month End Order Flow Example.mp423,362 KB11/27/2019 1:59 AM
Module 4-6 The Major Benefit of Price Ladder info Gathering and Execution.avi44,580 KB11/27/2019 4:30 AM
Module 4-7 Drills and Exercises.avi245,919 KB11/27/2019 4:37 AM