PDC4S:\Marketing Courses\STM - The 6 Week Affiliate Mastery Challenge 2017 Feb\STM - 6WAMC - Week 1\W1D2 - Ads and User Intent\W1D2 - Resources

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NameSizeDate Modified
W1D2 - Various Notes.pdf302 KB6/14/2020 2:09 AM
W1D2 - Task List.pdf279 KB6/14/2020 2:09 AM
W1D2 - Slides.pdf5,142 KB6/14/2020 2:09 AM
W1D2 - Ads and User Intent - Outline Notes.pdf173 KB6/14/2020 1:55 AM
Quantcast Ad Network Data.pdf1,921 KB6/14/2020 1:55 AM
IAB study of Rising Stars 1.pdf516 KB6/14/2020 1:55 AM
IAB Rising Stars.pdf1,238 KB6/14/2020 1:55 AM
IAB of Rising Stars 2.pdf10,755 KB6/14/2020 2:36 AM
DSP - SSP diagram.png126 KB6/14/2020 2:03 AM