PDC4S:\Marketing Courses\Paul McMahon - Mograph Mentor - Ultimate Guide To Stylized 3d Modeling
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Date Modified
2/25/2022 11:58 PM
9. Table and chairs
2/25/2022 11:58 PM
8. Kitchen layout
2/25/2022 11:57 PM
7. Fridge
2/25/2022 11:57 PM
6. Kettle
2/25/2022 11:57 PM
5. Sink
2/25/2022 11:57 PM
4. Cabinet variations
2/25/2022 11:57 PM
3. Kitchen objects
2/25/2022 11:57 PM
2. Counter tops and cabinets
2/25/2022 11:57 PM
13. Final Notes & Next Steps
2/25/2022 11:57 PM
12. Lighting, shading and post-production
2/25/2022 11:57 PM
11. Final kitchen details
2/25/2022 11:57 PM
10. Cooker
2/25/2022 11:56 PM
1. Introduction to surface modeling techniques
2/25/2022 11:56 PM