PDC4S:\IT\[Unacademy] IT AND GATE COURSE\[Unacademy] Competitive Programming v1\Nishchay Manwani (Course On Introduction to Number Theory)

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NameSizeDate Modified
Lesson08-Extended Euclid GCD Algorithm - solving linear diophantine equations.pdf4,126 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson08-Extended Euclid GCD Algorithm - solving linear diophantine equations.m4v280,950 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson07-Sieve in linear time with efficient factorization.pdf2,279 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson07-Sieve in linear time with efficient factorization.m4v148,868 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson06-Modular Inverse - Combinatorics modulo a small number.pdf2,759 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson06-Modular Inverse - Combinatorics modulo a small number.m4v150,114 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson05-Modular Exponentiation and Fermat's little theorem.pdf2,286 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson05-Modular Exponentiation and Fermat's little theorem.m4v136,036 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson04-Modular arithmetic and factorial modulo a small number.pdf5,154 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson04-Modular arithmetic and factorial modulo a small number.m4v305,625 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson03-Factorization using trial division method and working with numbers in prime factors form.pdf2,307 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson03-Factorization using trial division method and working with numbers in prime factors form.m4v138,895 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson02-Euclid's GCD algorithm analysis.pdf2,831 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson02-Euclid's GCD algorithm analysis.m4v149,620 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson01-Prime Numbers - primality tests with sieve of eratosthenes.pdf2,046 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Lesson01-Prime Numbers - primality tests with sieve of eratosthenes.m4v157,552 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM
Learn CP with CodeChef - Number Theory.png85 KB12/12/2021 3:34 AM