PDC4S:\A\Autodesk Autocad\Lynda.com\Lynda.com AutoCAD 2009 Mastering References\03 External References

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NameSizeDate Modified
0306 Binding references.mov8,422 KB6/19/2012 12:48 PM
0305 Clipping an external reference.mov5,933 KB6/19/2012 1:02 PM
0304 Choosing whether to attach or overlay.mov5,615 KB6/19/2012 1:15 PM
0303 Controlling the appearance of referenced drawings.mov11,654 KB6/19/2012 12:31 PM
0302 Creating a link to a DWG file.mov8,562 KB6/19/2012 12:32 PM
0301 Understanding external references.mov5,572 KB6/19/2012 1:28 PM