PDC4S:\2018\Neville Medhora - AutoResponder Kourse\Part 5 - More Resources\2 - Complete Sumo Business Blueprint Sequence

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NameSizeDate Modified
WHEN THEY SIGN UP - Fat Sumo vids - How to stop being a wantrepreneur.png34 KB3/5/2016 10:26 AM
Links.txt1 KB3/5/2016 10:47 AM
DAY 9 - [7-7] don't ask your friends if your business idea sucks.png320 KB3/5/2016 10:33 AM
DAY 8 - [6-7] You're retarded if you don't put your idea on Craigslist first.png311 KB3/5/2016 10:32 AM
DAY 7 - [5-7] The ghetto ad which can save you years of time..png156 KB3/5/2016 10:30 AM
DAY 6 - [4-7] Four biz validation tests....in less than a month.png77 KB3/5/2016 10:29 AM
DAY 5 - [3-7] How Mickey validated a stupid idea BEFORE dropping his entire savings on it.png60 KB3/5/2016 10:29 AM
DAY 4 - [2-7] How to stop being a loser Wantrepreneu.png63 KB3/5/2016 10:28 AM
DAY 3 - [1-7] Why people end up as Wantrepreneurs.png50 KB3/5/2016 10:27 AM
DAY 2 - quitting your job….the only way I've seen it done successfully.png85 KB3/5/2016 10:26 AM
DAY 15 - wantrepreneur challenge winners announced! Winner is T........png29 KB3/5/2016 10:35 AM
DAY 13 - Holy crap.....look at people's validations!.png52 KB3/5/2016 10:35 AM
DAY 11 - rejected ads for the wantrepreneur course [SFW].png635 KB3/5/2016 10:34 AM
DAY 10 - [8-7] the video will tell you if you're a wantrepreneur.png13 KB3/5/2016 10:33 AM