PDC4S:\2018-2\Assertiveness Masterclass Learn how to Command Respect\1\7. Practical Scenarios Examples of Assertive Behaviour

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NameSizeDate Modified
6. Standing up to a Disrespectful Partner.html.XML4 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
6. Standing up to a Disrespectful Partner.html1 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
5. Standing up to a Disrespectful Partner.vtt.XML9 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
5. Standing up to a Disrespectful Partner.vtt6 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
5. Standing up to a Disrespectful Partner.mp485,756 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
4. Dealing with an Underperforming Employee.html.XML4 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
4. Dealing with an Underperforming Employee.html1 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
3. Dealing with an Underperforming Employee.vtt.XML7 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
3. Dealing with an Underperforming Employee.vtt4 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
3. Dealing with an Underperforming Employee.mp469,875 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
2. Asking Your Boss for a Pay Rise.html.XML4 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
2. Asking Your Boss for a Pay Rise.html1 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
1. Asking Your Boss for a Pay Rise.vtt.XML8 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
1. Asking Your Boss for a Pay Rise.vtt5 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM
1. Asking Your Boss for a Pay Rise.mp468,999 KB10/9/2018 6:28 PM